Thursday, September 22, 2011

Maddie has a Lei around her neck which is given to anyone who is having a special day. Lei's can be worn for a retirement, anniversarys, graduations,etc.

Lei's can be made from many different materials including shells, seeds and leaves.

We celebrated Maddie's big day at dinner at our favorite outdoor Italian Cafe called Zia's.
This past Sunday we took a trip around the SE side of the island
(we are on Oahu)
and saw many beautiful sites. These sites are within 15 miles of where we live Kailua.  The island is so
amazing for so many reasons, but one thing about it is that
the terraine changes very
quickly as you go along the shore.
 There are no rocky cliffs on
the shore where we live but just
 15-some miles away the rocky
cliffs are enormous.
As you drive south and
west from where we are, the land becomes very arrid and  desert-like. 


We climbed down the cliffs
and found a little cove to swim
 in and some fun caves to explore!

The waves at this beach were pretty big and we all took a good a few good tumbles!

Who says the old lady can't body surf?!
The only problem is that body surfing causes sand to be in places it should definitely NOT be!!

Can you find us?

The picture below is the Halona Blowhole.When the waves are big they go under the cliff and blow out the hole. 

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We made a visit to China town in Honolulu. We ate lunch at their version of the food court. It was very interesting food-not sure we will be back to the food court any time soon!

Minnows for lunch anyone? I didn't have any takers!

The girls' new friends have taught us about crab catching. It is a fun thing to do after dark on the beach. They are little sand crabs that come out at night (there are tons of them!) but are fun to try and catch because they are so fast. They can't outrun our girls:)

The girls (and usually Paul) love to go and snorkel at our beach. They have seen many different fish, eel, blow fish and sea turtles!
As you can see, it is evening and they are still swimming. The neat thing about the ocean here is that the water is nice and warm! The breeze at the beach is very warm this time of year so its even comfortable to swim in the evening or early morning.
It is the warmest time of the year here right now. The weather is pretty much the same every day. The high is about 87 or so and the low at night is around 74. We hear the beach and ocean are cooler in the winter but the temps only vary slightly from season to season so we will see what "winter" in Hawaii brings!
Thanks so much to all of you for all your thoughts and prayers! We have found a long term rental place and it is going to be GREAT.
God continues to be so kind and faithful to us. We will be moving into our place (and getting all of our stuff from the ship) in a week!
We continue to adjust to life here on the island are enjoying it very much. We miss you all at home terribly and pray for your well being also.
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! Olivia will be excited to see your pictures (especially of Isa) and to read of your wonderful adventures.
