Monday, August 15, 2011

Update on day 7

Thanks for all the great encouragement we have received from you about the blog!

 It's hard to believe we have been here a week already!
We continue to be amazed at this gorgeous island we now call home. We are excited to post the pictures of the amazing beauty that is so hard to describe with words.

The island of Oahu has its own culture which we are only beginning to learn. We have been studying our Hawaiian words (Molly gave me a written exam this morning which I failed:). We are learning much by asking a lot of questions which the people here are happy to answer.

We had a funny lesson in island culture the other day when the lawn care guys came. When it was noon, they laid out their mats, ate their lunches and promptly layed down for a nap. We had to try not to let them hear us laughing from inside our cottage while Maddie snuck out to take a pic!

We got up early Sunday morning and hiked up the mountain that is directly behind our pink cottage. The pictures you see with the small cement building are of our hike. This little structure is called a pill box and was built in WW2 to watch for incoming planes. As you can see, the view is breathtaking! (above)

Maddie inside the pill box!

We went to Waikiki beach (about 15 miles away) to swim in the big waves and the girls had a great time boogie boarding.

We think of you all back home often and miss you!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We made it!

Hello to our Dear Family and Friends!
We made it here to our pink cottage and all going extremely well. We are settled in and almost adjusted to the time change already. God has provided an amazing place here for us and we feel right at home. Our Host and Hostess could not be any more kind and helpful.

I dont know how to do this blog thing very well but I will give it a shot because this is how I hope keep to stay in touch with all of our precious family and friends who have loved, supported, helped and prayed for us. Thank you! Or as they say in our new home- Mahalo:)
